18 August 2012

Copenhagen Weather

Summer in Copenhagen is definitely not a summer at all. In terms of weather that is. When I arrived in Copenhagen, it was cloudy, and it began to drizzle when I was walking to my apartment. Later that day it rained like Niagra falls. It was a great welcoming from Mother Nature.

I think during my course in Copenhagen for 7 weeks, the sun was out probably only 3 days. When I mean "sun", I mean being out the whole day. Apparently the sun loves to play hide and seek behind the clouds, and usually doesn't come out that much.

As I am from California, the summer in CPH felt like a winter for me. Windy, cloudy, rainy, overcast, chilly,... it was perfect winter weather for me. And I really shouldn't complain (too) much only because I don't like Californian summers. I personally don't like the heat, so I actually did look forward to escaping to northern Europe for more "ideal" weather. But I didn't expect it to be cloudy most of the time. I had expected it to be cooler, with the sun still being out and about.

It was actually quite depressing. Now I know why Copenhagen has a high suicide rate during their wintertime. I might have been part of that demographic if I had stayed a whole year there. 

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