18 August 2012

Another note on the Danish weather...

Mother Nature in Copenhagen has a knack of just raining out of nowhere.
And for some reason, karma, or luck, or what have you, every time I did not carry my umbrella, it would rain. When I carried it, it would not rain.
That being said, I forgot my umbrella a lot.
Figure that out on your own.

I also observed that the Danes, if they wake up to sunny weather, will wear their cool summer dresses, sheer tops, shorts, sandals, etc. But when it started to rain, they would whip out their parkas or jackets out of nowhere. They know how to be ready. I didn't. I swear that the ladies had a Hermione's bag that could store an infinite amount of stuff.
One moment you will see them in summer dress- only carrying their purse or bag, and the next moment in the rain you will see them with parkas and maybe a scarf.  

Copenhagen, for the most part, is wet and gloomy. Why people settled here in the first place definitely didn't do it for the weather.

And I think for the first time in my life, I missed the summer weather in California.

I obviously have a beef with the weather in Denmark.

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