05 November 2012

Meeting Lasma

29 June 2012

The girl that I had rented out the room from in the apartment had messaged me a few days ago letting me know that she was going to be in town to settle some things with the company that she was going her internship for. She is actually from Latvia, and decided to intern in Copenhagen. She wanted to know if I was going to be in town on Friday the 29th so that she could get into the apartment. So far, it had only been me in the apartment since the Italian and the Frenchie left shortly after I arrived in Copenhagen. I had the apartment all to myself for almost a week and a half. It was nice, I will admit that.

It was perfect timing, because on Saturday, I was to leave on a study tour with the school for Sweden and Finland early in the morning. Immediately after the Thursday lecture, I made it home. I felt a bit bad because Lasma had arrived early and was awaiting my return to the apartment. I was just hoping that she wouldn't get too wet. I learned later that she waited at a local cafe.

It was great meeting her- especially since it was her former room that I was renting for the summer. She is to stay in Copenhagen for a week, arranging the arrival of my two new flatmates (a young mid-twenty couple from Italy), who were friends with Lasma. Since they were basically immigrating from Italy to Denmark, the Italians needed a place to stay in the meantime while they looked for another place. The lease on the apartment is over on July 31th, so they have about a month. So did I, because school doesn't end until the 1st of August. I had some time to figure out where to go between the move-out date and my date of departure from city (August 8th).

Unfortunately I didn't really spend too much in her company because I had to run some errands before departing for the study tour (like getting snacks and preparing my lunch for the following day), and she was to go to a pub with her co-workers.

She at least let me know of some great news: she was going to leave me one of her two bikes! The other was to go to the Italians (the good bike). I got the bike with a faulty chain, but it was better than nothing. I was actually planning to rent a bike for a three week period for 300 Kr. or so, but this deal turned out a lot better. Free? Yes, but of course!

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