05 November 2012

The Cityscape Coverup

29 June 2012

Packing for the study tour wasn't all too hard. I don't have too many things to begin with, so I just took items that I tend to wear the most. I packed it all into my travel backpack since I did not want to bring a suitcase. I am a great light packer. I have always been. It's not worth being modest about.

I couldn't sleep because of my childish excitement for the trip, so I decided to take some action on the daypack that I was going to bring. It was a daypack provided by DIS on the first day of school with a rather large embroidered "DIS" on the front pocket. I really did not want to stand out as an American study abroad student, so I decided to do something about it. Earlier, I had tried to look for an embroidered patch of the Italian and/or Spanish flag to tack over it (because of the Eurocup '12 games going on) but my search yeilded nothing of the sort. Just Danish flags.

I used to make postcards with these kinds of cityscapes
and had them on my my etsy, but long since took them
down. contact me if you have questions.
So instead, I took the oversized fabric tag of some pants that I had bought earlier last week and I drew a cityscape on it to cover up the "DIS" logo on the daypack.

update: I got a lot of compliments on the DIY coverup.

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