26 April 2012

London Calling

I booked my flight to London last night. After I am done with my summer semester in Copenhagen, I will take my Easy Jet wings and fly over the North Sea into London Stansted. If it hadn't been for the Olympics going on this year there, I wouldn't have gone there. I think I would have traveled within Germany before departing home from Berlin. I still might do that, depending on how smart I am with my money. I'm rather excited to actually be in an olympic city while  the games are going on. I've been to Olympic parks where they were hosted, like Athens, Munich, and Barcelona. Still impressive, but without the crowd there, it is entirely different.   Because of my architectural background, the newly built architecture (permanent and temporary) excites me. That is my #1 reason of going actually. Architecture of the Olympics. It's always going to be that way.

There was a moment last night where I almost booked my flight with Ryan Air instead of Easy Jet because I could have saved $10, but then I remembered how I felt when I flew Easy Jet for the first time. Compared to Ryan Air, Easy Jet is like a chartered bus while Ryan Air is like the public bus. For $10, my decision was already made.

Easy Jet Airfare: $63
Admin Fee: $15
Luggage fee 20kg: $20
Faking an English accent: priceless.

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