08 October 2012

Smørrebrød !

all done! i'm the one with the head down...
25 June 2012

On the day of our case study presentations, we were relieved that at least that portion of the program was finally over. It wasn't that bad really. Personally I love case studies. Probably because I don't have to frustrate myself over my own designs and being my own worst critic. But nonetheless, I was very, very, tired from finishing the project late the night before and coming in a bit early that morning to to some last minute printing and diagramming. But the results were great and our review went without a hitch. Well, almost without a hitch, we had to practice a few times to get the presentation just right between the 4 team members and known who said what.

And that was that. Part one of the summer study abroad program over.

After the presentations were done, a few of us from the program, including all of the team members from Holy Cross Chapel (us), headed over to get Smørrebrød- Denmark's imfamous open-faced sandwiches  I was rather excited, and this was actually my first time eating out in Copenhagen. So off we go to a nearby Smørrebrød shop near Strøget (pronounced something like "Struo"..... kind of like that. Danish is like the French of the Scandinavian languages. Probably worse than that).

Domhuset Smørresbrød storefront.
Anyway, the little sandwich shop that I found myself in was Domhuset's Smørresbrod shop (don't even try googling that place because no results will come up. Strange). For 13 kr. a piece (approx $2.25), it was a good price, considering that many other smørresbrød places will charge 15kr-18kr. a piece. These sandwiches are definitely worth a try. Just pick anything. Seriously- anything will be good.

Personally I don't even know what I chose. I just pointed at whatever I caught my eye. Pronouncing what it was was near impossible. Trying wasn't even worth it.

These little things come wrapped like a simple gift

I don't remember what this was, but it was interesting. Not bad at all.

This one was my favourite. I can still taste it! Creamed eggs on a split meatball!

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