08 October 2012

Frilandsmuseet: I'm a time traveler now.

21 June 2012

Those three drawing sessions as mentioned here was to prepare us for a field trip to Fridlandsmuseet just outside of Copenhagen. I didn't know that they were going to require us to draw so much. I thought that it was going to stay within the sketching courses, not beyond that. But sketch we did, as much as I just wanted to lay on the grass and enjoy the Danish air of the more-or-less countryside outside of Copenhagen.

Don't get me wrong, I love to draw, but not when it is forced upon. At least I felt personally rewarded when I was done with a sketch.

Most of these traditional homes have been actually dismantles from their original site and have been reconstructed at this open-air museum. Some are from the 1400's. Some even as "modern" as the 1800's. All impressive nonetheless because of the greenroofing, thatching, programming, brick details, etc. There were even windmills! There was even a house with seagrass roofing! These Scandinavians had green roofs down before the whole "green" movement decided to make it big...

But as I mentioned before, I am quite meticulous with my drawings, and it resulted that at one point, the group left without me, and I had to walk around Fridlandsmuseet for about half an hour. I even tried communication with an older Danish woman asking if she saw a group of students. She at least picked out the word "student" and pointed me towards a general direction. Alas! I found my classmates! I thought I was going to have to camp out in one of those huts or something. It was too early in the program to get lost like that.

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