17 May 2012

Ja! Housing in Copenhagen

I am back from my 9-day trip on the other side (the east coast). I’ll post more on that later, but my brain needs a little vacation from the vacation. I think we have all been there.

The night before my departure, I was in contact with a girl in Copenhagen who was renting her room out in Copenhagen for a month and a half- the perfect window that I needed to find housing. Earlier that same day, I opted out of school housing in Copenhagen because I didn’t see it fair to pay $2,500 for less than 50 days. Although that included a metro pass (periodekort) and $200 food stipend, I knew I could do better. I had been looking online during work (I’m still a good, hard, worker) for rooms/apartments, but either the prices were still too high or the apartments were just too far. I turned to Couchsurfing.com, and I found a group that is dedicated to finding housing and apartments in Copenhagen. With luck I wrote a post asking for a room during specific dates. No luck there, probably because I was asking to move in during the middle of the month, and with a more-or-less tight budget. Later that night, while packing at home, I decided to take a short break and look again. I found that someone had posted their room for rent, because she was going on vacation to her homecountry of Lativa. I wrote her, expressing my interest (and with a hint of desperation). Surprisingly enough, she had written back no more than 2 hours later, showing my photos of the apartment.

Well, skipping though more details, I ended up getting the apartment. Funny how I managed to do all of this all online. I’m quite proud of myself. I made an apartment room rental contract while I was in Boston, and finished up when I arrived in New York. Originally I didn't plan on bringing my laptop with me, but alas, I did. Doesn’t seem too much of a vacation now.

1.5 months rent: less than $1,000 USD (trust me, thats pretty good for Copenhagen housing)
4.8 kilometers away from school.
A short walk from the metro, another short walk from the bus stop.
Oh, and did I mention that the two other housemates are Italian? I get to practice my Italian!

I’m all set. 

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