5 days left until I leave for Moscow (and eventually ending up in Copenhagen)! Where did all my time go? Well, I know exactly where it all went: work, east coast, and twiddling my thumbs while trying to avoid doing anything about going abroad for the summer.
Don't get me wrong, I am rather excited on traveling here and there and everywhere in northern Europe. But it's also a lot to do. I remember telling myself in the beginning that I was going to keep it as simple as possible. And I did. But there is some complexity within the simplicity. The only thing I have bought for my trip abroad is a Nikon D3100 found on Craigslist- to replace the D70 that decided to die on me while in NYC. And toothpaste. I will definitely have to buy toothpaste.
Over the weekend, I was reading out of Lonely Planet's Russian Phrasebook while at boyfriend's house. Being who I am, I was picking out the worst things to say, like "I am not happy", "I have diarrhea", "I am Australian" (which I am not), and other nonsense, which just made him laugh at me. At least I started to flex the Russian pronunciation that I never had before. Boyfriend is Russian, so I have a great advantage here, especially knowing Russian that you don't normally find in phrasebooks. Now you might be asking yourself, "Isn't she studying in Denmark, not Russia?" Yes, you are right, I am to study in Copenhagen, but I like anything Russian over Danish, so I'll deal with those Danishes later. So while talking nonsense in Russian with boyfriend and his sister at the kitchen table, his sister decided to draw up a little drawing of a traveling frog on a bicycle for me, which represents me traveling.
The details!: sombrero, the t-square and ruler, and the pointe shoes! лягушка путешественница" translates to "traveling frog." Seeing it written in Russian seems more complicated, huh? Check out more of her work at Yevgeniya Draws.
Don't get me wrong, I am rather excited on traveling here and there and everywhere in northern Europe. But it's also a lot to do. I remember telling myself in the beginning that I was going to keep it as simple as possible. And I did. But there is some complexity within the simplicity. The only thing I have bought for my trip abroad is a Nikon D3100 found on Craigslist- to replace the D70 that decided to die on me while in NYC. And toothpaste. I will definitely have to buy toothpaste.
Over the weekend, I was reading out of Lonely Planet's Russian Phrasebook while at boyfriend's house. Being who I am, I was picking out the worst things to say, like "I am not happy", "I have diarrhea", "I am Australian" (which I am not), and other nonsense, which just made him laugh at me. At least I started to flex the Russian pronunciation that I never had before. Boyfriend is Russian, so I have a great advantage here, especially knowing Russian that you don't normally find in phrasebooks. Now you might be asking yourself, "Isn't she studying in Denmark, not Russia?" Yes, you are right, I am to study in Copenhagen, but I like anything Russian over Danish, so I'll deal with those Danishes later. So while talking nonsense in Russian with boyfriend and his sister at the kitchen table, his sister decided to draw up a little drawing of a traveling frog on a bicycle for me, which represents me traveling.